Sunday, February 22, 2009

WA5 Draft 2

I can’t believe that it just happened! After waiting for so long the day has finally come. I am officially stuck with the same man for my entire life. The same man that I LOVE is what I mean. So, in that case I am very excited and overwhelmed and confused and joyous. And what a splendid reception this is, with all of the great food (my favorite being the spicy chicken curry) and the exotic entertainment. That dancing monkey gives me the creeps though with his fake, bitter smile and the way his beady eyes constantly scan the room. Only Krishna could know what that monkey is thinking and it seems like for good reason.
Everyone seems to want something from me. Relatives, familiar and unfamiliar to me, come to congratulate me. “You finally got a man! I thought it would never happen!” says my cousin Ajaya. “Thanks” I mutter with dead emotions. She was always one for backhanded complements. Aunts, Uncles, Nephews and all sorts of distant cousins smother me with kisses and complements and tears. With the first opportunity I slip out of the dance hall and onto the patio watching over the dark Indian Ocean. The cool breeze whispers through my hair and soothes me as I sip from my champagne glass. Chandra the moon god watches over me and I can feel his comfort, keeping me strong with his promises. I nearly jump clear out my seat when I hear my husband yell “Get back in here babe! It’s time for the cake”. He kisses my lips and puts his arm around me and we march back into the hall. As he opens the door what I see horrifies me.
Shrieks of babies, nervous laughs from children and panicky yells from men rush onto me. That devilish monkey in the purple monkey-tux has just embarked on a furious rampage! Why?! On MY wedding day? Is this a bad omen? Has my new husband already been cheating on me? The beast is throttling Grandpa and I find that hot tears keep on falling from my eyes like the summer rain. “Lets Get It Started” slowly crumbles as the band falls into confusion. Chichi the Satan monkey rushes over to the cake. NO! Not the cake please…
I can’t even look anymore and I rush out back to the patio in a haze of anger and resignation. My husband comes tagging behind me and he tries to comfort me but I can see that he is hiding a snicker under that concerned look of his. I’ve seen this look before, like when my hamster died and he didn’t really care.
“It’s going to be OK honey. Its just a stupid monkey. Its funny isn’t it?” he bargains with me.
“NO its not OK!” I am furious at his sense of humor.
He hushes me and gives me a glass of red wine which I sip like a troubled toddler sips grape juice. I lean onto him with helplessness and emotional exhaustion. We look out onto the shimmering ocean under the moon and listen to waves lapping against the beach.
I sigh.

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